I wanted to give a somewhat detailed account of our experience with COVID in case anyone was curious.

The weekend of March 14th was a strange one, the air around the city was definitely filled with anxiety but also uncertainty about what was safe, as well as a feeling of trying to see friends and do fun things before the door slammed shut on being sociable. Frances and I had already started to not take public transit by that Thursday, taking long walks instead to accomplish some errands we had -- a dinner party Thursday, a trip to the art store Friday, grocery shopping, seeing a friend about to escape back to Switzerland. I’m not sure how this manifested outside NYC, but that weekend everybody was questioning their bodies, every little ache, every cough, every tickle in the throat had new meaning. I think Fran and I both had this experience, but it didn’t seem like it would turn so sharply.

So it was that Monday the 16th that we started having symptoms. Fran woke up feeling a bit out of it and fatigued